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5 Types of Videos that Sell eCommerce Products Fast


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Types of videos that sells ecommerce products fast
Ecommerce and videos are bread and butter; they mix very well and always lead to sales.

There are numerous types of videos that sell eCommerce products fast out there, but to be discussed in this publication are the best among the equals.

But before we go into the main topic of discourse, let’s consider some eCommerce statistics.

  • 69% of consumers believe a product demo best assists them when making a purchase decision


  • Almost 80% of people state that product videos give them more confidence when purchasing a product


  • 73% More Visitors Who Watch Product Videos Will Buy

If you want to see more reasons why videos drive eCommerce and online purchases, read this blog post. 

And suppose you want to know why the meteoric rise of video consumption defined the eCommerce era causing a considerable spike in year-on-year growth of eCommerce sales and revenue worldwide. In that case, you are also at the right place.

Types of videos that sell eCommerce products fast

This blog post will look at the five types of videos responsible for driving eCommerce sales in many online stores.

1: The Close Up Video

This video is usually a closer look at your product in ‘really’ slow motion.

It’s popular in fashion, jewelry, beauty, and skincare stores. It’s most needed when you need to sell a product where the finishing, fine details, material, and craftsmanship are the key selling points of the product, like watches, jewelry, clothes, hair, etc.

Here’s an example, Tiffany Legacy Engagement Jewelry

2: The “Product In Use” Video

Solo Stove eCommerce brands have made a killing with this type of video, and anybody selling any eCommerce product can leverage this video type to increase sales immediately.

This type of video is directly associated with 80% of consumers who said watching it gave them the confidence to buy the product.

This video shows the product used by regular people and increases the buyer’s trust.

3: The “How To & Explainer” Videos

The classic explainer videos never get old. They’ve proven not to be a flash in the pan selling anything from eCommerce products to software, high ticket, and low ticket items.

In these classic how-to videos, you can fully show how to use the product or do a specific thing with the video.


4: The “Story & About” Videos

Ready to tell the story behind your brand? What’s the vision driving your brand’s products and innovations? Or are you prepared for the “About Us” of your company?

Your customers are interested and ready to hear from you. Share your inspiration, show them how that inspiration is converted into innovation on your products, and see the drive of sales come rushing in.

5: The “Results & Testimonial” Videos

Humans, by nature, love to see results; it inspires them to know that an average person like them can achieve some success using the same product they are considering purchasing.

Customer testimonial videos and user results videos can also be replaced with Case Study videos, before and after videos, etc.

6: The “Funny Viral” Videos

Viral videos are great for selling an eCommerce product without much cost for customer acquisition. It works for any product, but you have to create a great video that engages people and strikes chords that make them share.

End Note

While there are tons of videos capable of taking online market stores to a greater height, the above discussed are the five types of videos that sell eCommerce products really fast.

Read also: Best eCommerce products video marketing examples.

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