Comprehensive Podcast Analytics

Collate, unify and visualize all your podcast listening data from multiple sources in one dashboard

Total Podcast Views
Get insights on Total Views, Unique Views, Average View per Viewer and the Playthrough rate in an all-in-one dashboard. Select your date range, to get customized insights and performance index.
Comprehensive Stats
Monitor every aspect of your podcast's performance
Get customized stats such as weekly or monthly performance index
Team work
Track Best Performing Podcasts by Downloads
Understand audience behavior and know the top performing episodes
Maximize Content Relevance
Boost content engagement by tracking top episodes and analyzing peak download hours to understand listener behavior.
Consolidate insights from multiple listening platforms
Monitor downloads and listens across all platforms with your RSS feed
  • Track Top Download Sources
  • Analyze listening behavior
  • Strategically align your content for maximum engagement
Optimize Your Channel Analytics
Know subscriber trends, analyze device usage, and pinpoint top-performing content for strategic growth.
  • Keep tabs on Total Subscribers & Monthly Subscription Rates
  • Get insights into your channel's Impressions and Views
  • Understand device-specific listener preferences
Analyze Your Episode Engagement Metrics
Get detailed insights – from average completion rates to clickthrough metrics. Track today's trends and compare with last week or month for a comprehensive view of your content's impact.

Complete video & audio platform

  • All-in-one video, audio & podcast hosting
  • Advanced video marketing & analytics tools
  • Military-grade content security
  • Unbeatable streaming experience
  • Embed & share your content anywhere

Adilo gives you all these tools in dashboard for free!