Adilo Blog

7 Tips to Create High-Converting Ecommerce Product Videos Without Session

eCommerce video marketing is easy if you have just a few basic principles to guide you. Today, we share the seven tips to create high-converting eCommerce product videos to help you sell your products quickly.

Whether you do private label, drop-shipping, subscription, or manufacture your products, if you can follow these seven simple video marketing tips for creating high-quality product sales videos, you’ll be able to win big in eCommerce.

Tips to create high-converting eCommerce product videos

By and large, the following are the top 7 tips to create high-converting eCommerce product videos with little or no issue at all.

Ecommerce Product Videos
Ecommerce Product Videos

1: Keep It Short

Except if you’re trying to sell $5,000 electronics, there’s no reason your product video should be up to 10 minutes or above; your potential customers will most likely become bored, and you lose engagement and sales.

Average eCommerce products like kitchen wares, home appliances, leather goods, fashion, etc., are usually anything from $0 (Free + Shipping) to $300.

And for products in this price range, a 2-minute video is more than enough to make sales, and if you’re going to use the video outside of your product’s page, maybe you want to use it for online ads (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, etc.), a 1-minute video is good enough.

2: Eliminate Background Sound

You definitely want your audio quality to be crisp, and you don’t want your audience to hear things clattering in the background, the sound of a fan/AC humming, or anything that will suggest you didn’t handle this video professionally.

Use the professional recording mics to record your voice during the shoot so it will be easy to eliminate background noise. You can also 100% mute the video and layover your voice at the end.

3: Invest in Quality

Consumers translate your video’s quality to represent your products’ quality, so make sure your videos are sparkling, crystal clear, and have excellent sound quality.

4: Excite Emotions with Music

Great music, soundtracks, and tunes elicit magic feelings in consumers; depending on the soundtrack you use, a consumer can feel sad, excited, or inspired when considering purchasing your product.

As a tool that evokes emotions, you should use it in your product videos to provoke the feelings you want from your consumers.

5: Focus on the Product

In eCommerce product videos, you have just 30 seconds – 2 minutes to make your point and close a sale. That’s not enough time, especially considering that regular sales videos of digital products are anywhere from 8- 15 minutes, and webinars are anywhere from 30 minutes – to 2 hours.

This means you have a very limited window to make a sale, and that window should be focused on the product and its benefits close-up.

6: Don’t Just Talk About It, Show It

In situations where results are possible such as supplements, show the results. Or a household appliance where you can show people what doing the same activity without the appliance looks like and what it looks like when it’s done with the device, then do not hesitate to show this.

Records have shown that 70% of consumers feel more confident to buy a product after seeing it in action. In your videos, always try to show the product in action.

7: Strong Call to Action

Always close your video with a solid call to action, asking your viewers to order your product immediately. Also, always use incentives and scarcity to motivate them to take action fast.

7 Tips to Create High-Converting Ecommerce Product Videos Without Session - Adilo Blog
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I'm a serial enterpreneur with over 14 years of experience in digital marketing and SaaS.

Currently leading the ADILO team and building a strong brand @BigCommand

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