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Successful Email Marketing Campaign in 11 Steps

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Introduction to email marketing campaign

You’ve launched your new product, done a great job at marketing, and now you have a steady stream of clients. All that’s left is to turn those leads into customers. This is where an email marketing campaign comes in handy.

Successful Email Marketing Campaign in 11 Steps
Email marketing campaign

It is an effective way to nurture prospective clients and build relationships with them over time. You can establish beneficial connections with these people and market your goods or services to them. You can also use email marketing campaigns to test new products before making them available to the general public.

Developing an email marketing campaign is much more than just sending out a few emails and hoping for the best. An email marketing campaign is a planned sequence of individual emails sent over a predetermined period for a predetermined goal.

Gone are the days when an email was confined to a simple letter and a signature—today, email communication can be so much more than that.

You may have already known that emails have resulted in higher conversion rates and direct sales, but did you know they’ve also resulted in higher referral rates? Whether done for entertainment, education, or increased sales and marketing, your email campaign results are only a few clicks away.

How do you develop your successful email marketing campaigns?

Here are 11 steps to help you get started.

Step 1: Email Marketing Strategy

The first step to email marketing success is understanding what makes people want to receive emails from you. You must ascertain what encourages people to read your messages.

Successful Email Marketing Campaign in 11 steps
Email marketing campaign

A survey conducted by Return Path determined what type of content was most effective at getting people to open emails is personalized emails. When sending personalized emails, make sure to send something they care about.

Before you write any emails, you need to know what information you want to share with your audience. Do you want to provide them with updates about your company? Or do you want to inform them about what’s happening around town? Whatever it may be, you should always start with an outline before getting started!

Step 2: Choose Your Mailing List

Before crafting your email marketing campaign, you must choose whom you want to send your emails. Do you have a mailing list of people interested in your products and services? Are you sending it to everyone who subscribes to your newsletter?

Email Marketing Campaign
Mailing list

If not, what kind of audience do you want to reach out to? Think about how many people you will be reaching with each message. How frequently would they like to receive updates from you? Will they need a longer lead time before receiving messages?

Step 3: Create A Subject Line That Gets Attention!

Email Marketing Campaign
Email marketing campaign

After determining your target market and understanding the best times to communicate with them, it’s time to consider your subject line. The subject line is the first thing that catches the attention of the recipient’s email box. You want to ensure that the person who receives your email knows what they will get from reading your message. If you have a long subject line, it may not even fit onto their screen.

According to HubSpot, studies show that 70 percent of recipients open emails based on the subject line alone. Keep things short and sweet while including your brand name or logo.

Make sure you get straight to the point and grab their attention immediately. If you don’t catch their eye immediately, they won’t open it. Also, ensure you use relevant keywords in your subject line.

Include keywords in your subject line to help the recipient find your emails faster in their inbox.

Step 4: Write an Engaging Body Copy

Email Marketing Campaign

Next, craft your actual content. The body copy is where you tell them precisely what they need to know. To create an excellent body copy, you need to write about two things:

1) What you’re going to give them and
2) How they can benefit from it. Don’t just say “click here” or “read more.” Tell them what they will learn if they click or read more.

Your body content should be informative and helpful. People don’t read emails to hear how great your company is; they want to know how they can benefit from using your products or services. Be specific and give them something to think about.

Your email body content should be relevant to what they just read in the subject line. Don’t send them a generic email about how great your product is. Instead, use the information they provided in the subject line to inform them about your product.

What information will you provide in your email? Should you send a video? Maybe an infographic? Remember to add images to make your content look visually appealing. When designing an email, keep things straightforward. Most people don’t enjoy reading long paragraphs of text. Make sure your readers can tell what’s going on without scrolling down.

Step 5: Call-to-Action  

A call-to-action (CTA) button encourages people to take action. CTA buttons help encourage people to subscribe to your newsletter, download an app, or visit your website. When someone clicks on your CTA button, they are taken to a page that tells them what they need to do next. CTAs increase the likelihood that someone will open your email.

Email marketing campaign
Call-to-action (CTA) button

The CTA button is a great way to get people to click on something. You can use this button anywhere on your website, including the homepage, contact page, and blog.

For example, if you write “Subscribe to our newsletter!” your CTA could be “Sign up today!”

This button or link says “Buy Now” or “Click Here.” It tells them exactly what they need/want to do. For example, “Get 10% off today only! Click here to take advantage of this exclusive deal.”

Another thing to remember is that different audiences respond differently to subject lines. Use tools like Tailwind to analyze your data to get a clear picture of who responds best to what.

Step 6: Create a Great Landing Page

Email marketing campaign
Landing page

You may have heard people talk about landing pages. These are web pages designed specifically to convert visitors into customers; it is what people visit before they click through to your website.

Landing pages are the first impression visitors get to know about your business. If they find your website boring, they won’t stick around long enough to read any content. You should choose a landing page template that suits your brand identity. An excellent landing page design helps to convert visitors into customers.

Users who visit your website are taken to a unique page from all the other pages. While browsing around, they might find links to products and services. On the landing page, though, everything is different. Instead of being taken to another webpage, they are directed to a specific action.

Successful Email Marketing Campaign in 11 Steps - Adilo Blog
Landing page design

If your landing page isn’t mobile-friendly, you’ll lose a lot of traffic. Nowadays, practically everything is done on the phone, including searching for information online. Consumers who can’t find it on your website will look elsewhere. You need to create a remarkable landing page if you want new visitors to stay on your site and eventually convert into customers.

When planning your landing page design, you should never forget what information you are trying to relay to your audience. Ensure your landing page is engaging and attractive enough to draw their attention. These factors are essential in whether or not someone will land on your site. To attract users, make sure that you are using strong imagery and compelling text.

It’s also critical to ensure that your landing page is optimized for search engines. Search engine optimization is essential to reach potential customers searching for your product or service. To improve your visibility and rank higher in search results, include keywords and phrases related to your business.

Remember to provide a link back to your homepage. This will help visitors find their way back to your homepage after they leave.

Successful Email Marketing Campaign in 11 Steps - Adilo Blog
Landing page design

Test out different layouts as you design your landing page until you find the best one. In addition to testing how each layout looks, you’ll want to test how users interact with each layout.

Do different layouts encourage people to fill out forms?

How does a specific layout affect whether people buy something right away?

Design your landing page around your audience. What’s most relevant to your target market? Your landing page should reflect that.

Finally, make sure that your landing page isn’t too long. When designing a landing page, you should never go over three paragraphs. You don’t want to confuse your visitor with too many options or elements. Keep everything straightforward.

Step 7: Be Timely

Email Marketing Campaign
Be timely

Determine how frequently you should send emails. There are countless approaches you can take depending on your objectives. Setting yourself a weekly goal is one way to keep things simple. Another possibility is to send it out several times per day.

Research shows that people who receive emails daily tend to be the highest-responding group. You may only have one opportunity to contact everyone daily, depending on the size of your audience. If you’re looking to target specific groups of people, you may only want to send a message once a week.

The last thing you want is to miss the chance to connect with someone because you didn’t take the time to research their interests. To avoid making these mistakes, use tools like MailChimp and Facebook’s Custom Audiences to segment your list and get creative with your subject lines. Then, give each person a call to see if they’re interested. You can then decide whether you need to send a follow-up email or not.

Step 8: Add Links

Email Marketing Campaign

Links are clickable text that directs readers to different pages on your site. These links are often used in newsletters and emails to encourage people to visit specific pages on your website. Make sure that any links you use are relevant to the information sent.

If you’re trying to promote a website, you should include links to it in your email. That way, anyone who opens your email can visit your site right from inside their inbox.

Step 9: Use Images & Videos

Email marketing campaign
Images and videos

Images speak louder than words. Images are powerful tools for grabbing attention. Images can visually describe your product or service, show testimonials, highlight special offers, or add personality.

You should incorporate pictures or videos into your emails. Not only does this add interest, but it makes your messages look more professional. Also, you should consider using video content in your emails. People enjoy watching videos, and many people prefer viewing them over reading text. Videos help tell a story, entertain them, and keep their attention. A great way to use a video is to create a short explainer video. People who watch these tend to remember them longer than text-based content.

Step 10: Test Your Campaign

The last step before launching your campaign is testing it. Try different subject lines and CTAs to see what works best for you. Ensure your message body includes relevant information and links to your website or blog. The best way to test your email marketing campaign is to do A/B testing.

In short, you send out two different versions of your email, track how many people open them, and click on links inside. If you notice a difference between the two groups, try adjusting your copy until you get the desired results.

Email Marketing Campaign
Email marketing campaign

 Here’s how to set up an A/B test online (or offline):

 Step 1: Choose a goal for your email campaign. Is your objective to increase sales? Or maybe to encourage subscribers to share content they love?

 Step 2: Create a landing page where you can direct visitors to complete a transaction. You can use a tool like Unbounce to build a simple landing page.

 Step 3: Send out one version of your email first, and then compare the results.

 Step 4: Adjust your copy based on what works best.

Successfully sending out emails is not as easy as it sounds. As time passes, you’ll find yourself testing and tweaking various strategies. The most vital thing to remember while setting up your campaign is to focus on quality content.

Once you’ve got everything dialed in, launch your campaigns!

Step 11: Track Your Results

Email Marketing Campaign

Once you launch your email marketing campaign, you will need to track its success. Tracking results is the act of measuring how effective your emails are. How many emails were sent out? How many clicks did you receive? Are people buying the product? What was the most effective? By tracking your results, you can refine your strategy and improve your campaigns over time.

Using tracking software and tools makes it easier for you to monitor the progress of your campaign.

Email Tracking Software is software that helps you track the success of your email campaigns. You can use tools like Aweber, Mailchimp, Campaign Monitor, etc.

If you’d like to learn more about email marketing, read our guide on email marketing tools and software for marketers.


Email marketing has the potential to be a potent tool if used properly. It allows you to grow your business without spending large amounts of money and without having to go out and sell directly to prospective customers. A well-planned email marketing campaign can help you attract new and existing customers.

We hope our checklist helped you prepare to launch or maintain an email marketing campaign. Following the steps above, you should be prepared to launch your successful email marketing campaign. These eleven steps can help you take your marketing to the next level and create a more successful campaign.

Again, make sure that the goals of your campaign are clear. Be open to any feedback from your audience and any user feedback you get during the campaign. Don’t be afraid to retool your execution if needed.

And finally, realize there’s a certain amount of trial-and-error involved in these endeavors. If nothing else, don’t let that discourage you from proceeding—email marketing is one channel that will likely always be around for marketers looking to increase customer engagement and drive sales through email.

Hopefully, you now have the information and decisions you need to move forward.

RELATED: What is Email Marketing? The 2022 Marketer’s Guide

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