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Inbound marketing tactics for B2Bs and startups.

10 Inbound marketing tactics for B2Bs and startups.

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Inbound marketing tactics for B2Bs and startups
Inbound marketing tactics

In a previous post, I discussed the inbound marketing strategies b2bs and startups can employ to draw in their target market and ultimately level up their business. 

However, despite how important it is to know the inbound marketing strategies you can adopt as a b2b or startup is, it is equally vital to know the inbound marketing tactics you can use to implement those strategies.

This is why, in this post, I will be telling you about the top ten inbound marketing tactics for b2bs and startups.

Let us get down to business.

10 Inbound marketing Tactics for B2Bs and startups

1. Blogging

10 Inbound marketing tactics for B2Bs and startups

Inbound marketing starts with being found by your prospects, gaining their trust, and accompanying them through the different stages of their buyer’s journey, such that when they are ready to buy, your name is the first one to pop up in their minds.

However, to be found by your target clients and gain their trust, you need to put yourself out there, which is where blogging comes in.

In its simplest form, blogs are where you post contents your target market would be interested in reading. 

By posting such helpful articles, you offer your prospects value first, giving them reasons to come to you. 

Notice I said HELPFUL articles. 

If you are a b2b involved in graphics designing, it might make sense to start a blog on the ABCs of graphics, if that is what your target market finds helpful or relevant, to attract them to your brand.  

Effectively done good blogging strategy will draw your market in and make them view you as an expert and trust your solutions.

2. Restricted access to long-form content

10 Inbound marketing tactics for B2Bs and startups
Content restriction

Potential customers’ emails and phone numbers are vital to gaining their trust and nurturing them into leads.

But herein lies the problem – people, including you and I, are not always pumped to fill out contact forms. 

However, one effective way to solve this issue is by offering prospects something they cannot resist in exchange for their contacts, which is where long-form restricted content comes in.

Long-form contents are articles that discuss a topic relevant to your potential clients in-depth.

Unlike blogs, these articles are more lengthy and give market leads comprehensive solutions to their specific pain points or in-depth information on a topic they are interested in. 

How-to guides, e-books, whitepapers, etc., are some examples. 

One primary reason long-form contents are crucial in inbound marketing tactics for b2bs and startups is that; by offering prospects access to these contents in exchange for their contact info, b2bs and startups can separate genuine prospects from the doubtful ones. 

They can also acquire a new target audience they can nurture into customers via good email tactics (more on later).

3. Growth-Driven Data website (GDD) 

10 Inbound marketing tactics for B2Bs and startups
GDD website

As a b2b or startup, your website is crucial to the success of your inbound marketing because it is the first thing your target market comes in contact with after being drawn in by your content. 

Hence, your site must be well put together, portrays your brand’s personality, and is current, not obsolete.

An obsolete website is one whose design is outdated or unresponsive, takes too long to load, contains outdated information about your business, etc. 

To avoid having an obsolete website, consider employing the Growth-Driven Data (GDD) website approach. 

Developed by HubSpot, GDD is a website development approach that helps you keep your website improved and updated through a constant analysis of the interaction of users with your site. 

The GDD approach is an efficient way of keeping your site user-friendly, increasing the site’s conversion rate, and ultimately achieving set business goals. 

GDD is based on accurate user-behavior data, not mere assumptions about what clients want on your site. 

4. Make use of online video platforms

10 Inbound marketing tactics for B2Bs and startups

Videos are another effective inbound marketing tactic for b2bs and startups; this is because people can easily digest engaging videos, and they will pass a brand’s message faster than text shared amongst family and friends.

Benefits of videos aside, research has shown that in this year alone, about 82% of the internet traffic comes from people streaming and downloading videos. 

Combine this finding with research that humans generally recall what they see faster than they hear or read. You will realize that in today’s world, video marketing is a must for any b2b and startup that want to drive brand awareness on a large scale and attract its target audience in droves.

Online video platforms like YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, Vimeo, Facebook, etc., can be utilized to implement this tactic. 

5. Utilize your social media platforms

10 Inbound marketing tactics for B2Bs and startups
Social media platform

According to research, over 3.96 billion people are on social media platforms, which has almost halved the 2022 world population of 7.96 billion.

This highlights the vital role social media can play as a marketing tactic.

As a b2b or startup seeking to attract prospects, you can utilize your social media platforms to publicize your articles, videos, etc. 

A caveat to applying this tactic is ensuring that your target market is on whatever social media platform you promote your content. 

One way to confirm this is by analyzing the user data that most of these social media platforms store. This data will help you pinpoint the online location of your target market. 

6. Research and profile your target persona

Inbound marketing tactics for B2Bs and startups

Identifying your target market is core to successful inbound marketing tactics. 

Knowing who your prospects are will help you discover their needs or pain points, what they look out for in a product/service like yours, the type of content that will draw them in, and why they will be interested in your startup/b2b, etc.

Identifying your market and understanding their needs requires conducting in-depth market research and applying market segmentation, amongst other things. 

To start, you can begin your market research by analyzing the user insights on social media platforms.

These user insights typically contain information that will benefit a startup/b2b seeking to identify who and where its prospects are. 

You can also survey your current clients to know what attracted them to your company in the first place. 

Also, feel free to check out my article on What market segmentation means, the five market segmentation types, and how you can apply it.

7. Launch free webinars 

10 Inbound marketing tactics for B2Bs and startups

Free webinars where you talk about hot topics or solutions to specific pain points of your target market are another of the many effective inbound marketing tactics for b2bs and startups. 

A webinar or training will establish you as an expert in the mind of prospects and the competition, attract more market leads, improve sales, and drive brand awareness, all of which lead to business growth.

Webinars are great for showing your market the brains behind the company and getting them to connect with your business personally. 

They are also perfect for product demonstrations, conversing with your target market, and answering underlying questions they might have about your product/service. 

8. Use backlinks to promote your content

10 Inbound marketing tactics for B2Bs and startups

For SEO, site visibility, and attracting a new market audience, backlinks are vital inbound marketing tactics for b2bs and startups.

Defined simply, backlinks are when the target market can access your websites from other websites; it is when your website is hyperlinked to another site so that visitors or users can access your site or content via that link.

With many backlinks, search engines rank your site as trustworthy because other sites are vouching for you by linking to your site. 

This ranking will give your content more visibility, allowing it to appear among the top results during a prospect’s organic search.

Sharing your content with top influencers, forming a partnership with authority sites linked in your content, and building on your competition’s broken links are ways to increase the number of your backlinks.

9. SEO

10 Inbound marketing tactics for B2Bs and startups

If you have read my article on inbound marketing strategies for b2b and startups, you may wonder why I include SEO here again as one of the vital inbound marketing tactics for b2bs and startups.

The reason is that SEO and inbound marketing are peas in a pod. 

SEO is essential to every aspect of inbound marketing, from laying out strategies to its implementation. 

So, no matter how well-put-together your site may be or how jaw-dropping and life-changing your contents are, without SEO, it will most likely never be seen by your target market talk more of drawing them into your business.

10. A mobile-friendly website

10 Inbound marketing tactics for B2Bs and startups
Mobile friendly website

As a b2b or startup in this smartphone era, an era where phones are more accessible than toilets, optimizing your website for mobile phone users is one of the inbound marketing tactics for b2bs and startups you do not want to overlook.

According to Oberlo, the percentage of global online traffic from mobile devices is currently 58.26%, increasing from 56.53% in 2021 and 53.07% in 2020. 

This slow but steady increase indicates that most people conduct online searches via smartphones rather than laptops or desktops; this pinpoints how important it is for b2bs and startups. They do not want to struggle with magnetizing leads, to optimize their business site to be mobile-friendly while maintaining quality and a good user interface.


So, where do you start?

I recommend starting at the very beginning.

For your b2b or startup, this beginning might be a need to identify who your product/service serves, that is, your target customer.

Or, if you have already done that, your beginning may be to identify inbound marketing strategies and inbound marketing tactics that will attract prospects. 

Whatever your beginning is, one vital thing to bear is the need to be flexible and creative when applying these strategies and tactics. 

Do not feel constrained to do things the same old way. 

Feel free to experiment with your inbound marketing tactics and implement them in new creative ways.

Last but not least, evaluate your strategies and tactics to measure the results and check if there is a need for improvement.

RELATED: Inbound Marketing Strategies for B2Bs and Startups

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