How to Create a Sales Video

Sales videos are a great way to sell products and services fast and on a scale.
It’s far more efficient than a 1-on-1 sales presentation and more than 10x better than written sales letters.
But all videos are not equal.
You see, having an audience doesn’t mean you’ll have paying customers.
This is where most businesses go wrong. They build a massive following on social media and a large audience across multi-channels, including email subscribers, blog readers, contacts, and more. Still, in the end, they cannot convert those audiences into customers.
So, how do you create sales videos that are so provocative that it spurs them on to make an impulsive and emotional buying decision that puts money in your pocket?
That’s precisely what we will cover in today’s blog post.
I will share my 10-step formula for creating the most potent and emotional sales video to compel people to buy your product.
Step 1: Get Attention (Blow Their Minds and Pique Their Interests)
If you don’t get attention, you won’t be able to sell. Getting your audience’s attention (read as getting your audience to listen to you) is the first part of your sales process. Once you have their attention (read as once you engage them), you’ll be able to share whatever pitch or story you have.
Stats and many case studies have proven you have just between 8 – 15 seconds to capture your audience’s attention and get them to engage with your content.
This means the moment your video is clicked, the next most important thing you must do is fight for their video, and the best way to achieve this is with an opening statement that will pique their interest and blow their minds.
The statement could be mere humourous, factual, or plain curiosity seeking.
If you remember the opening statement of SquattyPotty sales videos (one of the most incredible sales videos ever made), the sales actor said, “This is where all your ice creams come from, creamy poop of a misty unicorn.”
That got your attention, didn’t it?
So when making your sales video, the very first line must aim to get your audience’s attention.
Let’s say you sold a unique “first to market” work-at-home coaching program; the opening statement of your sales video could.
“Imagine this for a minute… if you could stay at home and earn thousands of dollars daily with your laptop and WiFi connection working just a few hours a day.
And before your mind starts thinking this is just another one of those work-at-homework-at-home programs you’ve tried and failed before, let me make this clear.
This program is brand new, unlike anything you’ve seen before, and has absolutely nothing to do with Amazon, Shopify, Dropshipping, Affiliate Marketing, eCommerce, Youtube Vlogging, Blogging, and local business marketing, consulting, or any most of the other stuff you’ve tried and failed at.
This new program is so easy to implement and results in that we’re getting an almost 100% success rate on everyone who’s tried this, even complete knuckleheads and newbies….”
Here’s what you’ve successfully done.
You’ve completed their curiosity; now, they’re very interested to know what you’re talking about and will pay attention (stay engaged) to your sales video.
Step 2: Reveal The Pain (and Exaggerate It)
Now you’ve gotten their attention, and they’re listening to you. It’s time to go for the kill, starting with sharing their pain.
Your product/service is a solution.
Now you’ll bring up that problem.
For example: in the case of SquattyPotty, the problem was constraint when pooping; immediately, they got your attention, and that was the next thing they talked about.
They demonstrated how the problem occurs.
Another great example is the Poopourri sales video.
They show in great detail the problem you have when you poop due to poop odor and smell.
For example, if you had a work-at-home product, problems you could easily exploit are:
1. The pain of working 9-5 in some job your hate or an annoying boss.
2. The pain of earning a very basic salary even though you work so hard, so basic that you don’t even have extra money to enjoy the things you love like vacation, debt-freedom, etc.
3. The pain of trying other work-at-home programs in the past that never worked for you because they were complex, took a lot of time to implement, brought an unreliable source of income, and more.
Step 3: Let The Wound Infest (Put the Fear of God in Your Audience)
This is my best part in crafting a sales video and the very factor most salespeople fail to implement.
And crazily, this is the part responsible for putting your audience in a mind frame to buy your product, so imagine how much sales you’re missing out on by not exploring it.
Here’s the theory behind this strategy:
1. Imagine you get an injury, and it’s treated immediately.
Of course, you would feel the pain of your injury but not much compared to:
2. You get an injury, it’s not treated, gets infected, worsens, and makes you very sick, and finally, it’s treated.
Which of the treatments will have more value for you? Which of them did you beg for? It’s B, of course.
In sales, we take the same approach.
Talking about the problem is not enough.
We need to let the problem infest on; we need to make the audience feel every minute of that terrible problem so that when our solution is presented, it will have more impact because they would want it so bad that they would pay anything for it to have it solve their problem.
PooPourri sales team are experts on this.
In their sales videos, they don’t just tell you that pooping smells nasty and it’s embarrassing to have others perceive your poop; they dig the wound by exploring all weird, awkward situations you can find yourself in and exaggerating just how terrible each of the situations would make you feel.
This step is all our digging into every insecurity that comes with a problem, reminding your audience of the issues and dangers of what would happen to their untreated injury (the infection, the unbearable pain, etc.)
You can watch the two videos about PooPourri that we shared above to see exactly what we mean.
Now, back to our main example if you sold work-at-home products, this is time to you explore the insecurities of not having enough money or work freedom, such as:
– The looming divorce is bound to happen due to financial problems
– Potentially falling into a mortgage crisis and losing your home
– The shame of not being able to provide your kids and family life and the care they deserve
– The problem of absentee parent/partner that’s always stuck at work leads to broken homes and broken marriages
– The pain of not being able to buy things you love and having so much debt you feed hand to mouth (paycheck to paycheck)
Step 4: Tell a story (share a personal experience and connect with the audience)

Storytelling is a salesman’s favorite weapon; it’s the best way to connect with the audience and share a journey.
When you share an experience with someone, you’re automatically bonded to the person; the same happens in sales.
If you can share the experience with your audience, you’ll be bonded with them. So you have to tell a story that a bulk (or at least a good sample) of your audience would have experienced or know someone who experienced it.
This creates a massive bond in the sales process.
For example: if you talked about the one time your spouse got sick, and you weren’t by her side because you had to work and it ate you away, that’s something most people can relate to.
Or the one time you were embarrassed to your wits-end when you visited a girl you were asking out and suddenly, you had to poop, and your poop smelled so bad because you hadn’t gone to the toilet the day before had lots of kale and broccoli.
These are situations that your audience can easily relate to and connect with. Also, make sure your story connects to the solution/product you’re providing.
Step 5: Offer Alternate Solutions and Disprove Them Immediately
So, you’ve engaged your audience.
You’ve revealed the problem and let it infest.
Now it’s time to offer a solution.
But wait, don’t do that just yet; that’s an amateur move.
Do you know the one thing your audience has been wondering since you started pitching them on your sales video? They’ve been wondering about many other solutions to that problem (ideal and not ideal).
And those will be your most significant objection to closing the sale, so you need to get in front of them and take them out of the table.
Before offering your solutions, it’s best to share another potential “not-so-ideal” solutions that your audience can try (and be sure it will fail).
Again PooPourri does this exceptionally well; in their sales videos, they first show you options you could try to use and mask the smell of your poop, such as aerosols, perfumes, and matches and still show you how each of the options will fail.
For example: if you were selling a weight loss supplement, you could easily talk about all the many options that your audience can use to lose weight and how each of them fails woefully, such as;
– Working out and how no matter how much weight you carry in the gym, you won’t lose weight and then share some backup facts on why this happens.
– Dieting and then how it’s almost impossible to stick to dieting plans, dangers of starving, eating crazy veggies and letting go of ice creams, etc.
– Surgery and then the dangerous risk of fat removal surgery, their insane cost, and of course, the fact that it will reoccur.
– The failures of other miracle weight loss supplements that never work, why it will never work for them.
Basically, help them explore their options, then obliterate them in a way your product becomes the holy grail.
Step 6: Offer the Ultimate Solution and Show it in Action
So now, the table is set; time to go for the kill. Share your solution (your product) and show it in Action.
Ever heard this phrase “Don’t tell, show it!”?
There’s no place it better applies than in sales.
One minute of showing is better than 1 hour of telling.
At this point in the pitch, you’ve created a suitable landing for your product (solution to the problem), and you introduce this product as a solution to the audience.
You tell them about the benefits and why they need it.
But don’t waste time talking; if you want to convince your audience, show your product in Action.
Here’s a sample of salespeople showing their product in Action
In the two videos, you can see the entire pitch is focused on showing the products in Action.
Step 7: Product Validation (Show that People Love It)
This is optional, but you must show that people love your product; though your product demonstration is irrefutable proof that the product works, your audience also wants to see what others who have used it think.
It’s a validation point for them.
Is it worth it?
Are others having a great experience with it?
All these validate your products. The more you have them, the better.
Of course, do not use your product validation to elongate your pitch; use just the right amount that covers diverse points.
This product validation could be in the form of before and after results, testimonials, reviews, facts from authority sources that support your product’s argument, case studies,
Step 8: Maneuver the Competition

When you sell a product, you must likely have a competition or at least products/services that solve the same problems if improvised, and you’ll need to handle them just the same way you handle the alternate solutions.
These competing products/services are objections to making the sale, so you need to get ahead.
Also, this step is optional, especially if it’s going to make your sales pitch uncomfortably long or when you have a first-to-market product.
Otherwise, the strategy is simple: Tear Apart the Competition.
Find out their flaws and use them against them while highlighting your product’s strengths.
Step 9: Bring on the Pain One More Time
One more time, remind the audience what life is like without your product (solution). As you ask for the sale, this subtle reminder keeps them on their toes.
Step 10: Inject FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)

Human beings hate missing out on things they deem essential, which is called FOMO. That’s why there’s a big race to space, and nobody wants to miss out on it.
Same with Cryptocurrency.
It has largely grown due to FOMO.
People who missed out on Bitcoin are rushing to make sure they secure ground access to the latest coin or cryptocurrency project.
So make sure you use the FOMO factor in your sales videos, such as:
– Only X amount of copies left
– We’re closing this offer on X date
And so on.
Step 11: Animation, Popping Graphics, and Video Quality
Finally, make your videos pop.
Don’t be too boring. Create high-quality, professional-looking videos and use visual effects, animations, and motion graphics to keep the video popping.
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I'm a serial enterpreneur with over 14 years of experience in digital marketing and SaaS.
Currently leading the ADILO team and building a strong brand @BigCommand