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How to Choose a Whiteboard Animation Software; 10 Things to Look Out for

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Choosing a Whiteboard Animation Software

I take it you have read our blog post on whiteboard animations, and you want to start creating some yourself.

How to Choose a Whiteboard Animation Software; 10 Things to Look Out for
Whiteboard animation

If you’ve not read any of our post on whiteboard videos, please go through them. We have a lot of content featured on this topic covering everything from what is a whiteboard video, software for creating whiteboard animation, how to start a whiteboard animation video company without experience, and so many more. I’m sure you’ll enjoy them.

But maybe you have, and you’ve also seen all the whiteboard video makers and whiteboard animation software/apps we recommend, and now you’re thinking about which one you should choose.

There must be over 100 whiteboard animation software out there. We’ve listed some of the best amongst them, so obviously, you can’t have it all; having just 1 – 2 of the best whiteboard animation software is more than enough.

But how do you choose this 1 or 2?

This blog post will review a quick list of things to look out for when choosing a whiteboard animation maker.

1. Is there a free trial?

How to Choose a Whiteboard Animation Software; 10 Things to Look Out for
Free trial

It’s difficult to choose a whiteboard animation movie creator; they all claim to be the finest and have the best-looking websites, but unless you try to be creative with one, you won’t realize what a disaster you’re dealing with.

This is why we tell people not to get caught up on their promises; instead, try it out yourself. Sign up for free trials or free forever plans on all the software you want to check out and test them before buying.

2. Is it cloud-based or desktop?

How to Choose a Whiteboard Animation Software; 10 Things to Look Out for
Cloud-based or Desktop?

Today, online whiteboard animation makers are all the rave as people embrace the cloud and all the benefits that come with it. You can do your animations on any device at any time, but this also comes at a cost.

First is flexibility; we’ve found that the online-based animation software seems to have less power and flexibility than the desktop versions.

Also, if you wish to work without the internet, hmmm, now that’s a weird circumstance.

If not for the lightweight performance of whiteboard animations, making them online over browsers will be too hard, but they’re not today due to their lightweight nature.

So check this carefully to see which condition better suits you before choosing.

3. Does it have a storyboard?

How to Choose a Whiteboard Animation Software; 10 Things to Look Out for

This is one that many people ignore because it’s not so talked about, but it’s imperative if you desire to maintain order and produce whiteboard animation that is attractive.

Not all whiteboard animation video apps have storyboards and scenes, so check this out before choosing.

4. Can it do more than a whiteboard?

Many times, you may want to do more other animated videos that are not plain whiteboard.
There’s a notepad, blackboard, stitch, glass board, and regular animated explainer videos. Check to see if the whiteboard video software you have can create other types of animated videos; many of them already do this.

5. Does it have vast collections of character styles and assets?

Listen, the last thing you want is to create whiteboard animations that all look the same. It’s pretty boring after the 10th video. You need variation; spice is the taste of life, they say.

You must be aware of the significance of branding and personalization in addition to the writing and animation. It is up to you to determine whether or not their whiteboard animations are merely recycled and repainted templates or if they are original animations with the brand and industry-specific modifications.

The last thing you want is for your video to seem and feel generic because that will make it appear uninteresting and unprofessional. Pick a whiteboard animation software that genuinely appreciates the value of uniqueness and personalization.

Before selecting the finest whiteboard animation software, make sure it includes a large selection of characters, character styles, text styles, icons, clip arts, effects, animations, and other video assets; since you want every video, you create to stand out.

6. Rendering speed & editing sluggishness?

How to Choose a Whiteboard Animation Software; 10 Things to Look Out for

Does rendering a simple 2-minute video take hours?
How is the render quality? Is the output blurry or looking any different from the original stuff you created?
How is the editing, are actions delayed, or does the editor have a few seconds lag?

These are questions you need to ask before finalizing. Usually, you will experience editor lags on online video editors that are not very powerful and have slow render speed.

It can be experienced on desktop versions and sometimes online ones if running on small instances.

These are very important that you need to watch out for.

7. Is it basic or advanced?

How to Choose a Whiteboard Animation Software; 10 Things to Look Out for
Basic or advanced?

Is the software advanced enough to create complex and more thoughtful whiteboard animations? Never use too basic ones; you’ll regret them in the long run.

8. Thriving community and customer support

How to Choose a Whiteboard Animation Software; 10 Things to Look Out for
Customer support

Chances are you’re going to run into one or more problems while using the software. Is it a popular software with many users who may have had your problems, found a solution, and shared it so that if you have the same issue, will a quick Google search get you an answer?
Does the company support the product? What are people saying about it? Is there a community, group, or forum where you can meet other users of the products, share insights, ask questions and get answers?

Businesses at the top in their fields are unquestionably those who provide excellent client experiences. When choosing an animated whiteboard video production firm, it might be helpful to read customer reviews posted on a company’s website or on websites like to determine whether the business offers a good customer experience.

Watch out for all of these, this will guide your choice.

9. Can you afford it?

How to Choose a Whiteboard Animation Software; 10 Things to Look Out for

There are three different types of businesses in the field of animation. Companies that employ template videos and don’t provide original content, businesses that provide various marketing services, including animation, and animation-specific businesses.

Always choose a company that specializes in animation for your enterprise.

Although it’s not always the case, businesses that provide low-cost services typically employ templates and don’t add any original flare to their movies.

However, you should never blindly accept too low costs, whether a whiteboard explainer video or a 2D animated video, businesses that provide a wide range of marketing services but offer animation as a sub-service may not have the most remarkable ability or knowledge to produce an attractive custom animated video.

A professional animation studio or a business specializing in whiteboard animation will have the necessary skill and knowledge.

Although their prices may seem excessive, you get what you pay for. But since a high price doesn’t always equate to quality, money alone shouldn’t be the deciding factor. You should also examine the elements we’ve identified above.

10. Is it easy to use?

How to Choose a Whiteboard Animation Software; 10 Things to Look Out for
Easy to use?

Finally, is it easy to use, or is it some complicated tool you’ll need months of training on a certification program to master?
You want a software you can pick up and start creating something nice today without much learning curve.

So pick wisely!

Tips for creating a good whiteboard animation video

How to Choose a Whiteboard Animation Software; 10 Things to Look Out for

– Create a compelling story
The first step when creating a whiteboard animation video is to write a captivating; whatever angle you are coming in through, you need to have your audience eating right out of your palm. To ensure that, you need a great script.

– Choose an effective storyboard
As mentioned earlier, a storyboard is a vital aspect of a good whiteboard animation.

A storyboard should include all of your video’s crucial sections to make the process easier for illustrators, animators, and voice actors (and basically everyone else involved in the project).

You can see it as an outline for the illustrations, or you can build the screens and match each to a specific section of the story. Never skip the storyboard.

– Involve your audience in the narrative
It’s a terrific tip to involve your viewers in your story if you want your animated marketing videos to succeed. Additionally, it might be a helpful addition as a further layer of customization to your whiteboard animation films.

Making characters that represent your audience and are inspired by your buyers’ personas is a terrific method to do this so that they can identify with the characters in your video.

Your message will have more impact on viewers if your characters are visual representations of your target demographic, which will assist your message stick with them.

– Keep it brief and to the point
People in online communities typically have short attention spans and are constantly multitasking. Look at your screen now; how many open tabs or apps? Are you reading your messages, emails, social media accounts, and that article? You’re reading (this one, I assume) all simultaneously?

You are probably not wholly focused on everything at the same time. That’s why it’s critical to grab your audience’s attention from the start and keep it until the end.

If you create a short whiteboard video, you have a better chance of keeping your audience’s attention throughout the duration of your video. Consider keeping your video between 60 and 90 seconds long. That is sufficient to convey a compelling message while maintaining their undivided attention.

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