Adilo Blog

30 Second Explainer Video Ad Examples to Inspire Your Creativity

With human attention span at 30 seconds, it’s becoming seemingly vital that you reduce the length of your videos as much as possible without losing the essentials of your message. That’s why we’ll be discussing the 30 second explainer video ad examples today.

But we also know human nature; we love to talk a lot.

Meet a business owner and tell him to write a video script for his new product, and you’ll most likely end up with a 1,500-word video script.

That’s like a 10-minute video.

This is called the curse of knowledge.

A product owner, an entrepreneur, or a startup founder can’t stop talking about the awesomeness of their product. This is also their curse.

Alas, you only needed 30 seconds, meaning you need to extract and pass the important message, powerful enough to draw in the audience’s attention and get them to click, request a quote, or sign up for further information.

30 Second Explainer Video Ad Examples

1. Instapay 

For an innovative and value-added 30 second explainer ad video, Instapay is an ideal animated ad example you can copy. The famous Lemon studio created the explainer video using an efficient and quality user interface.

30 Second Explainer Video Ad Examples to Inspire Your Creativity - Adilo Blog

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30 Second Explainer Video Ad Examples to Inspire Your Creativity

2. Trace Solutions

Do you plan to create an animated video to promote your business brand but can’t think of any video angle? If yes, These Trace Solutions 30 second explainer video ad examples will definitely inspire you.

30 Second Explainer Video Ad Examples to Inspire Your Creativity - Adilo Blog

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3. Nespresso

Nespresso On Ice explainer video is a perfect example of an animation ad ideal for business promotion and branding. Seeing they said is believing; watch the video below yourself to confirm the assertion.

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4. ShipStation

Another 30 second explainer ad video example you can watch to garner ideas for your next video.

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5. Contiki

30 Second Explainer Video Ad Examples to Inspire Your Creativity - Adilo Blog
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6. Zoosk

Zoosk is another short explainer video that uses simple and precise rhymes and fun and playful animation objects to make their product and services appealing to the audience.

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7. Gadget Cover

Get inspiration for your next 30 second explainer video ad by watching this animation video.

30 Second Explainer Video Ad Examples to Inspire Your Creativity - Adilo Blog

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8. Office Depot

Office Depot is one of the highly-rated B2B animated explainers ads. The video was used to promote a brand.

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Hope you are inspired?

Related: 30 second explainer video: when to use them and when to avoid them.

Follow Adilo on Twitter for more articles on the explainer video.

30 Second Explainer Video Ad Examples to Inspire Your Creativity - Adilo Blog
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I'm a serial enterpreneur with over 14 years of experience in digital marketing and SaaS.

Currently leading the ADILO team and building a strong brand @BigCommand

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