One of the most requested features on Adilo has been launched.
Viral Video Sharing Gate.
Now you can lock your videos and force your viewers to share your content on social media before accessing the content. All major social media & messaging platforms that allow external content sharing have been including Facebook (obviously), Twitter, WhatsApp, Linkedin, Pinterest and Messenger.
It’s optional and disabled by default on your videos, so you choose which videos to enable them on. This is great for gating premium/value-filled content videos, leverage the content value to drive more traffic, shares and social influence.
Best part is that you can customize the “Share Content” so that all sharing done by your viewers will promote a 3rd party link, this neat functionality allows you to drive social shares and traffic to any link you want.
Its very easy to use, takes less than 60 seconds to set up… Read step by step guide on activating viral sharing here.
Excited to see what you can do with this.
I'm a serial enterpreneur with over 14 years of experience in digital marketing and SaaS.
Currently leading the ADILO team and building a strong brand @BigCommand